Sunday, August 2, 2009

Task 1 : Week 2

I have chosen this unit (Corporate Information Security) because it seemed like an interesting course and the fact that it was the only other unit i could find to fit into my schedule. During this semester, i hope to learn a few more things that are related to business and IT.

Security in general is a very important issue these days... as more people have the knowledge and the necessary tools required to hack into one's system; learning, knowing and preparing oneself against this has become essential. Therefore, i think doing this course will help to some extent.

From my point of view, Information is a collection of data which is relevant to a specific topic. After reading the collection of data or 'information' people are able to make decisions. Therefore, by gather information, people can make decisions. In other words, information is something that people use to make decisions about certain topics or areas.

There are different types of information, some can be shared with everyone, some only with certain people you trust and others that have to be kept a secret. This can be from a simple password to an email account or bank account details of an organization. If other people find out such information, they may be able to access personal information which may lead to bigger problems of identity theft, spending of other people's money etc the effects of which may be detrimental. Therefore Information security is the protection of confidential information.

By studying Information Security, i think it will help me be more knowledgable, it will make me more aware of the things i should/should not do in my personal as well as professional work career.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristina. Great first post!

    "Information security is the protection of confiidential information." - yes it is, and it also encompasses much more, as we'll learn in the next few weeks. I hope you enjoy the journey.

    You'll find your grade in Moodle.

